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The Edge UI

While Cribl Edge has a "single-Node" UI that you can use on an Edge Node, the same UI (well, mostly the same) is present on the Cribl Leader for each Edge Node connected to it. We're going to look at the Leader-based version of the UI in this tutorial.

Closer to the Edge...
  1. In the Cribl UI embedded at right, the upper left corner should display a Cribl logo. If you hover over it, you'll see an app picker with two applications (Stream and Edge) plus the Cribl home page you're initially on. Here's the app picker unrolled:
    App Picker
  2. Click on the Edge application to switch to it.

You should now see Edge's Fleets page, similar to this: Edge Landing Screen

(Up on Edge's black top nav, note that you're currently on the Home page. You'd click that Home link to get back here.)


Edge introduces the concept of "Fleets." A Fleet is fundamentally just a group of systems that share a configuration, analogous to Worker Groups in Stream. Edge comes with a default Fleet configured, called default_fleet – didn't see that coming, didya? :) Let's take a look at this default Fleet.

Inspecting the Fleet
  • Click on the default_fleet tile to go to the Fleet inspection page.

Note that on Edge's black top nav, the Manage UI now has focus. On the submenu below that, you're now on this Fleet's Overview page.

This page has a number of interesting things on it. You're currently on its Monitor tab, and feel free to click its adjacent Map View and List View tabs as we explore them:

  • The "at a glance" display – at top of the current Monitor tab, this shows you metrics about the systems within the Fleet. Right now, we have a single Node in the Fleet (which has been created for you ahead of time). So the metrics are specific to that one instance. We'll be adding another Node shortly, and we'll come back to take a look at how that changes things.

  • The Map View tab – this is a way to display metrics from the systems in the Fleet. You can select from different aggregations in the Chart field, different metrics in the Measure field, and the time window in the During field. Your selections tune a hexagon-based map view of the selected metric across all the systems in the Fleet.

  • The List View tab – this is simple list of all of the systems in the Fleet. It serves as the "transporter room," allowing you to teleport into each Node's Edge interface.

Teleport Away!
  • Click on the List View tab to switch to the List View.
  • In the GUID column, click on the only item in the list.

Congratulations, you just teleported to the Edge Node!

Node Info

We can also click in the empty space of a row in the List View to get the Node Info drawer: another at-a-glance display of metadata for that Node. Clicking the drawer's Data Activity tab to shows graphs summarizing system activity.