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Installing/Deploying Edge

Now that you've had a tour of the interface, we're going to install another Edge Node. The Leader provides a very simple bootstrap mechanism for Edge Nodes (just like the one for Stream Worker Nodes).


First, let's navigate back to the default_fleet landing page:

  1. From Edge's top nav, click Manage.

  2. On the resulting page, click the default_fleet link.

  3. At the upper right, click the Add/Update Edge Node button. From the resulting drop-down, select Linux > Add.

    This opens an Add Linux Node modal, where you'll generate a script to bootstrap the new Node.

  4. Set the Installation directory to /opt/edge.

  5. Accept all other default values, and note the contents of the Script pane. You'll run this curl script to install the Node.

  6. Click Copy script at the lower right. You should see a confirmation banner that this has placed the script on your clipboard.

  7. Close the bootstrap modal by clicking its upper-right close box.

What you just copied is a single command that you can run on one or many systems to install Edge Nodes. The script authorizes the Nodes to connect to the Edge Leader for their configuration.

In a normal environment, you could copy this string and feed it into an Ansible Playbook, Chef Recipe, Userdata script, or whatever you use for software distribution. In this case, we're going to use it to install Edge on another container in our sandbox.

Pulling Up by the Bootstraps
  1. On the Sandbox's top tabs bar, click the Terminal tab to switch to the terminal window.
  2. Paste the bootstrap curl script from your clipboard into the terminal window and hit return. This should immediately start downloading and installing Edge.

Look for a Cribl started confirmation in the terminal. (If you instead get an error, or a bunch of HTML-ish text, go back to the Bootstrap section, and generate and copy the script again.)

OK, what next? Nothing? Can it be that simple? Yes, it can, and it is. Let's go see if our new Edge Node is connected...

Checking if It Worked
  1. On the Sandbox's top tabs bar, click the Cribl tab to return to Edge's UI.
  2. From Edge's top nav, click Manage, then again click the default_fleet link. The default Monitor lower tab should confirm that you now have 2 Edge Nodes.
  3. Click the List View tab for details.

You should now see the original edge-baddev-<hash>, and a new Node named edge-<hash>. Feel free to explore the new Node's configuration, before we put it to work ingesting and analyzing some data...