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Cribl Stream Overview

Welcome to our Cribl self-guided demo! This Cribl Stream Overview course offers an interactive introduction to Stream's user experience. In this course, we fly through a pre-configured Stream instance noting points of interest and discussing the benefits of Stream.

This self-guided demo should take about 15 minutes to complete. At the end of the course, you can optionally continue on with our How-To's, where we build out a Stream configuration to match the one introduced here. You can also move on to any of the other sandbox courses offered.

This sandbox instance stays running for 24 hours, after which you can get a new sandbox, but your progress will be lost. To reconnect to the sandbox, just come back to Cribl Stream Overview and re-enter your email address.


In this tutorial, the following formatting indicates (respectively) actions we expect you to take; content you can optionally skip; and commands or content you need to paste into the terminal or Stream.


Important text shows actions you need to take. For each of these sections, further sections will depend on your having taken these actions in Stream.


Notes contain optional steps. You can skip these without breaking the infrastructure we're building.

Preformatted text contains commands to be pasted 
into the terminal, or content to be pasted into
Stream. There is an easy Copy option available
at these sections' upper-right corner.

Too Long; Didn’t Read

In each section there will also be a TL;DR note at the top giving a quick blurb about what is immediately significant in the area of Stream covered below.

Getting Help

If you get stuck during this tutorial feel free to reach out to us on the Cribl Community Slack channel.


Stream should automatically log you in, but if you're idle for too long, or get disconnected, it's possible you'll be prompted for a login. The Username is admin and the Password is cribldemo. You might want to store these to a text file or paper now, just in case.